Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oracle Apps Technical Interview

1. Using PL/SQL, which exception is raised when a division by zero is attempted?
Ans ) zero divide error occurs
2. Which constraint type ensures that each row in a table contains an entry that uniquely identifies that row from any other. Ans ) primary key
3. Views can be defined with up to (?) columns. Ans ) 254
4. During database creation, which of the following database users require setting their password? Ans ) sys
5. What is a Cartesian product?
Ans )The product of a select statement which has more than one table, and no where clause
6. A developer calls and reports they are receiving an ORA-00901: invalid CREATE command. What is most likely the problem?
Ans ) The CREATE command was not followed by a valid option
7. The DECODE () function is similar to (?).
Ans ) an if then else construct
8. In which section of a PL/SQL block will a user defined exception be handled?
Ans ) exception block
9. Which of the following are used to determine the order of an ORDER BY clause?
Ans ) ASC
10. Which of the following are NOT number functions?
Ans ) TODATE()
11. What column heading is displayed for the following query? SELECT COUNT(ENAME) Count FROM EMP Ans) COUNT
12. More frequent checkpoints reduce the time needed to (?). Ans ) recover
13. A (?) is an area of memory, given a name, that is used to store a value.
Ans ) variable
14. How is the command SELECT * FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO=&X.45 interpreted if 123 is entered as a value for X?
15. The third value in a ROWID represents the (?) of that row. Ans ) file ID
16. Which of the following are NOT valid comparison operators?
Ans ) == (two equal signs)
17. What structure is used to prevent more than one user from updating the same data in a table at the same time? Ans ) locks
18. The default length for char data type is Ans ) one
19. The default order in which records are retrieved when an order by clause is used is
Ans ) Ascending
20. The operator precedence between AND & OR is Ans) AND over OR
21. The output of ltrim (\"BILL CLINTON\",BALL) is
22. The output of substr (\"CREATE\",3,3) is Ans) EAT
23. The number of minimum join condition that are required to join n tables is N-1
24. In an outer join (+) sign is placed on the Ans) deficient table side
25. A sub-query can appear within which of the following clauses & operators 1. Select 2. Where 3. Having 4. Set operators Ans ) select , having and set operators
26. If where clause is not specified in an update statement then
Ans ) all rows updated
27. The database object from which multiple users may generate unique integer is
Ans ) sequence
28. Cluster columns must correspond to columns in each of the cluster tables in
Ans ) size and column name
29. The clause in the computer command that helps in computing count of rows is
Ans ) number
30. The elements, which are mandatory for a PL/SQL blocks are
Ans ) begin and end;
31. The concatenation operator in PL/SQL is Ans)
32. Which of the following are available in PL/SQL and not in SQL
Ans ) data access compatibility
33. The assignment operator in PL/SQL is Ans) =
34. The procedure which lets you issue user-defined error messages from a stored sub-program or database trigger is
Ans ) exception_unit and raise_application_error
35. Data can be retrieved into variables using which of the following options
Ans ) select into and fetch
36. Which of the following does a cursor For Loop do 1. Open a cursor 2. Fetch 3. close cursor Ans) ALL
37. Which statement can appear in a trigger body Ans) SQL set
38. To create a database trigger, the user must have the privilege.
Ans ) create trigger privilege
39. Which operator finds common rows from 2 or more different queries?
Ans ) intersect
40. Foreign key constraint can be enforced by using constraint.
Ans ) references
41. The statement fetches rows from a table to a cursor. Ans) select
42. The NVL() function is used to Ans) substitute a new value
43. The maximum size of LOB is Ans) 4gb
44. How many triggers can create per table Ans) 12
45. Maximum how many constraints can enforce on a single column Ans) four
46. PL/SQL stands for Ans ) procedural language of sql
47. which are the character functions will take string parameter and it will return numeric Ans) length and instr
48. Select trunc(199.99) from dual Ans) “199”
49. Which constraint is only a table level Ans) composite primary key
50. Triggers can call in subprograms Ans) yes
51. The NULL columns do not participate in arithmetic computations
52. You cannot create more than one trigger per table.
53. Which Procedure produces output on the screen
Ans ) dbms_output.putline()
54. The cursor is created by any SQL statement. Ans) implicit
55 Which triggers are used for views? Ans) instead of triggers
56 select statement is Ans ) DRL
57 trigger is fired Ans ) implicitly
58 A Cartesian product is Ans ) only available in oracle 8i
59 Select empcode, sum(basic) from empmaster? Can you create a view based on the above select? Ans ) no
60 Which of the following correctly describes how to specify a column alias
Ans ) Place the alias after each column, separated by white space.
61 The command to open a CURSOR FOR loop is
Ans ) No command is required
62 If left out, which would cause an infinite loop Ans) exit
63 After referencing NEXTVAL, the value in CURRVAL of a sequence is
Ans ) incremented by 1
64 What control structure prevents more than one user from updating data in a table?
Ans ) locks
65 Which of the following two constraints automatically create an index?
Ans ) Unique Constraint
66 How many equality conditions are required to join four tables without a Cartesian product? Ans) two
67 How do we join two or more tables? Using =
68 What is the minimum number of shared columns to join two tables in a select statement? Ans ) one
69 Which of the following are NOT valid comparison operators? Ans) >>
70 When entering a SELECT statement from the SQL prompt the command is terminated with which character? Ans ) /
71 What function is similar in function to an IF-THEN-ELSE statement?
Ans ) decode()
72 Which of the following is a character function? Ans) to_number()
73 The binary extension for the menu is Ans) .mmb
74 An ER Diagram which relates 2 entities with dark line joining one entity and with crow foot on the other side is called
Ans) Many to Many
75 Once defined, how long will a variable remain in SQL*Plus?
Ans) Until the session Completes
76 After an Update statement, you write an exception with no_data_found, too_many_rows and when others. If the Update statements where condition fails to update any rows then which exception will be raised?
Ans) no_data_found
77 Not Null is which type of constraint? Ans ) check
78 How do you make sure that Oracle will use an Index when you write a select statement? Ans) by selecting columns which have index
79 Forms allows you to manipulate data only if it is Ans) normal mode
80 The different views of objects in object Navigator
Ans ) Ownership view and Visual View
81 For undoing changes in the form during design time
Ans ) Press CTRL+Z
82 Alert message should not exceed Ans) 200 Characters
83 Data Blocks in the form builder can be classified as
Ans ) Master & Detail Block
84 The type of alerts can be set Ans) Note, Caution, Stop
85 The 4 different states of records are as follow ( when internal events of forms run time) Ans ) New, Insert, query, Changed
86 The hierarchy tree of objects in the form application
Ans ) Form(Module), Block, record, Item
87 VALIDATE RECORD , Trigger (event) occurs only if the record is Ans) insert
88 LOV (LIST OF VALUES) is a combination of
Ans ) Modal dialog Boxes, List and Record Groups
89 The trigger can be classified as the following:-
Ans ) Smart triggers, Un restricted, Triggers, restricted Triggers
90 The built in procedure to open a form that is independent from calling form is
Ans ) open_form
91 The way to involve Report from form object is Ans) run_report_object
92 The is the syntax and place the variable declared in form module to all the triggers in the form
Ans ) Declare in PREFOR and the syntax is :Global.
93 A primary key constraint cannot be added on the column of which data type
Ans ) long
94 The comprises set of files that protect altered database data that has not been written to data files Ans) redo log
95 Maximum size of raw data type is Ans) 2kb
96 Which one of the following is not applicable on INSTEAD OF Trigger
Ans ) Can be applied on tables
97 In Oracle 8, a char database can hold up to Ans) 2000 bytes
98 After creating a sequence, to view the first value we use which keyword
Ans ) nextval
99 In PL/SQL assignment operator is replaced using the reserved word
Ans) default
100 is a valid pseudo column
Ans) rowid, rownum, sysdate, uid, nextval, curval
101 The Index created by the Primary key column is called ans) unique index
102 The operation cannot be performed using views when the view definition includes more than on table Ans) insert
103 The parameter cannot be changed while altering a sequence
Ans ) start with n (n cant be changed)
104 To check the source code for the object types use the data dictionary view Ans user_source
105 Which of the following is most restrictive of table level locks?
Ans) exclusive lock
106 In PL/SQL block what is the default value of the variable Ans) null
107 Find output of the following ( Select substr( \"christmas\" , 4,3) from dual)
Ans ) ist
108 The ability of object to take more than one form is known as
Ans ) polymorphism
109 When the user is trying to assign values to the attributes of an uninitialized object, which of the following exception is raised Ans) VALUEERROR
110 The attribute in the create sequence syntax specifies that the sequence continues to generate values from the beginning after reaching either its max or min value Ans) increment
111 A composite unique key can contain how many number of columns Ans) 16
112 What operations can be performed on sequence Ans) Alter, Select
113 Restriction on triggers can be achieved using what clause Ans) when
114 To check the partition type which data dictionary can be used.
Ans ) user_tab_partitions
115 Outer joins retrieves Ans) both matched and unmatched rows
116 A function used to convert a null value to value is Ans) decode
117 Role is Ans ) group of privileges
118 A returns all rows returned by the simple join as well as those rows from one table that do not match any row from the other table Ans) outer join
119 The data that stored in the cursor is called as Ans ) active data set
120 what is the format mask for Julian data Ans ) j
121 Label is a word associated with an statements Ans) conditional
122 level locks are not released by rolling back to save point Ans ) row level
123 you can use the CASE function in place of Ans) decode
124 The writes modified blocks from the database buffer cache to the data files
Ans ) database writer
125 The magnitude range of a binary integer value in pL/sql is
Ans ) -231-1 to 231-1
126 Trigger name should not exceed characters Ans) 30 characters
127 The REF operator returns of the row object Ans) OID
128 PL/SQL is a structured language? Ans ) block structured language
129 Raw types are used to store which type of data Ans ) binary
130 PCTFREE is a portion of the data block that is not filled by rows as they are inserted in to a table but is reserved for Ans ) 'Future insert
131 Sign function returns Ans) +, - and =
132 Syntax of MERGE function
Ans) merge into using /<> on when matched these update set when not matched then insert values
133 The oracle engine provides procedure named that allows programmers to show user defined messages Ans) Raise_Application_Error
134 Which are called as trigger actions Ans) Before and after
135 A function that act on only one value at a time are called as
Ans ) Scalar function
136 is used to get cross tabulation & cumulative values
ans ) CUBE and ROLLUP
137 Which is used for bulk bind? Ans) for all
138 which is used to modify any operating system files Ans) UTL_File
139 which is used to insert values in to multiple tables using select statements
140 Which appends on operating system specific line terminator Ans) put_line
141 Which is an object , that is completely contained within another
Ans ) embedded object
142 Which of the following is false regarding data files?
Ans ) Data files can be associated with two or more table spaces
143 In which data dictionary table the object type information will be stored
Ans ) User_Types
144 When you use the THE class in DML statements Ans) Nested table
145 Which is used to store complete column information at a time in to a variable
Ans ) bulk collect
146 when you use for update class in a cursor which is compulsory
ans ) where current of
147 When cursor is in for loop which operations are not necessary
Ans ) Open, Fetch, Close
148 RowID consistes of
Ans ) Data file Id, Object Id , Block Id, Row_Sequence_ID
149 What is a object, which can be created only at run time Ans ) Timer
150 what is the extension of .PLL Ans) Programming Link Library
151 what is the extension of object library module Ans) OBL
152 How many styles are there in alert property Ans) three
153 Display item doesn’t have which property Ans) navigational
154 When Timer Expired is correspondent to which object Ans) timer
155 When we compare with radio button & push button, push button will not have
Ans ) Button value property
156 Which function is used to create runtime record group Ans) create_group
157 which trigger and code is used to run application without connecting to database
ans ) on_logon,NULL
158 Form 6i is a ans ) 2 and 3 Tier architecture
159 When we select value from LOV, by default where the value is going to store
Ans ) return item
160 LOV always return ans ) boolean value
161 Alert always return ans) number value
162 Which procedure is used to change alert button label
Ans ) set_alert_button_properly
163 When we create a LOV automatically created ans ) record group
164 which function is used to create dynamic query record group
ans ) create_group_from_query
165 How many types of canvas are there ans ) five
166 Which variable cannot assign a value ans) system
167 When you have cascade delete behavior which trigger gets created
168 Which Trigger fires when an operator double clicks on a image item
169 The data type of an image item is ans ) BLOB
170 The default window name is ans ) window1
171 What needed to create for making a master/detail report Ans) Data link
172 A group of radio buttons are placed under the item ans ) Radio Group
173 An operator cannot navigate to a ans) Display item
174 The Default text label of alert button1 is ans) OK
175 The LOV can be attached to a text Item at runtime by the built in
176 The on_clear_detail and On_ populate_deatails triggers are used with
Ans ) ISOLATED operations
177 Which Symbol is used for lexical parameter Ans) &
178 What are called trigger time ans) before and after
179 In oracle any object name it should start with and it should not exceed characters
Ans ) character and 30
180 Which one of the following is applicable on INSTEAD OF Triggers
Ans ) complex views
181 Restriction on triggers can be achieved using ans ) where clause
182 Within a FOR LOOP, which variable cannot be changed by the user
Ans ) Index Variable
183 Which Cursor is created by any SQL statement ans ) implicit
184 Which clause within Cursor exclusively locks the rows returned by the query
Ans ) For update
185 Which Exceptions are internally defined by runtime system ans ) Pre defined
186 Which option is used with the create command to modify an existing named pl/sql block ans ) replace
187 Minimum privilege required to connect to oracle database is ans ) connect
188 How to call a procedure from a PL/SQL block ans ) Using procedure name
189 Which attribute provides a record type that represents a row in a table
Ans )% row
190 For iteration to proceed downwards from upper bound to lower bound we can use the optional keyword in a for loop ans ) reverse
191 if PL/SQL runs out of memory, then, what predefined exception is raised
Ans ) Storage_error
192 which exception is used when all exceptions are to be trapped
ans ) when others
193 The conditions can be given at which clause for grouped result
Ans ) Group by
194 Joining a table to itself is called ans ) self join
195 If inner query in sub query returns more than one row then which operator is used
Ans ) IN
196 The dual table contains column and row. Ans) single & single
197 Which option is used to grant privileges to all users Ans) Public
198 Which pseudo column used to refer to a sequence
Ans ) Curval & Nextval
199 Which level locks are not released by rolling back to save point ans) rowlevel
200 which function is used for opening a file ans) fopen
201 The procedure reads a line from the file ans) get_line
202 The colon symbol is used for parameter ans) bind
203 In the radio button property which value is must ans) initial
204 Which function is used to find out whether the runtime query record group is return rows or not
Ans ) populate_group_with_query and populate_group
205 :system.currentitem is going return ans ) Name
206 The default item type is ans) text
207 The display status of a check box is ans) checked, Unchecked
208 Which trigger performs an action whenever a record is cleared or deleted
Ans ) when_remove_record
209 Which trigger is associated with a button item ans) when_button_pressed
210 setting which property to Yes, a LOV is displayed as soon as the user enters an item ans ) auto refresh
211 The block coordination has deferred and ans) Auto query
212 The value of what parameter being passed to a called product is always the name of a record group defined in the current form ans) Data_parameter
213 Which built-in will call another form within a form ans) call_form
214 At least one must be assigned to each window ans) canvas
215 built-in is used to display a window at runtime ans) show_window
216 An executable menu module file has the extension ans ) mmx
217 type of menu items are not require PL/SQL code ans ) Magic & Separator
218 built-in is used to call a report from a form ans ) SRW.Run_product
219 what is the default value of date ans ) $$date$$
220 which system variable we can assign value ans ) system.date_thershold
221 what parameter is required to create group function ans ) Record groupname
222 which style has to be selected for making master/detail report ans ) group above
223 built-in is used to call report within a report ans ) srw.run_report
224 In show_editor procedure which are optional parameters ans) X and Y
225 Which trigger is associated with a list item ans) when_list_changed
226 which procedure is used to changed the size of image ans ) Image_zoom
227 which function is used to create dynamic query record group
ans ) populate_group_with_query
228 Maximum number of buttons that can be defined in an alert is ans ) 3
229 How many types of menu items are there in menu module ans) 5
230 How many arguments are required in add_group_column ans) 4
231 How many arguments are required in set_alert_button_property ans) 4

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