Thursday, September 11, 2008

Master Detail Forms

1) Create Two Tables (With Parent / Child relationships)

a) Create table orders
(order_no number(10),
custoner varchar2(20),
order_date date)
b) Create table lines
( line_no number(10),
order_no number(10),
item varchar2(20),
qty number(10),
price number(10),
amount number(10))

2) Alter the table structures and primary and foreign keys
Alter table orders add constraint orders_pk primary key (order_no);
Alter table lines add constraint lines_fk foreign key (order_no) references orders (order_no);

3) Create public synonyms for the tables.
4) Register two tables with constraints information.
5) Open form builder software.
6) Open template.fmb file.
7) Save as รจ TETMADET.fmb
8) Change form module name as form name.
9) Delete default blocks , canvasses and windows.
10) Create two windows , two canvasses
Window1 : Orders
Window2 : Lines
Canvas1 : Orders
Canvas2 : Lines

11) Assign Canvasses to Windows.
12) Assign Windows to Canvasses.
13) Assign property classes to windows and canvasses.
14) Create Two Blocks
Block1 : Orders Type : Form
Block2 : Lines Type : Tabular No of Records : 5

15) Define master detail block relationship between two blocks .
Relationship Name : Orders_Lines

16) Create a Control Block
17) Create a Check box on detail window/ detail canvas
Block => Control
Name => Orders_lines (Same as your master detail relationship name)
Checked value => Immediate
Unchecked Value => Deferred
Default => Immediate

18) Create a Push button in Master Window / Master Canvas
Name : LINES
Label : Lines ..
Block => Control

19) Assign Text Item property class to all text items on Orders and Lines block.
20) Set Module / Form Level properties
First navigation data block => Orders
Console Window => Orders

21) Modify App_custom Package
Close window procedure
If ( wnd = ‘Orders’) then
Elsif (wnd = ‘Lines’) then
End if;

Open Window Procedure
If (wnd = ‘Orders’) then
Go_block (‘ Orders’) ;
If (wnd = ‘Lines’) then
App_window.set_coordination (‘ OPEN-WINDOW’, :CONTROL,ORDERS_LINES , ‘ORDERS_LINES’);
Go_block (‘ Lines’);
End if;

22) Create a program unit
Name : Control
Type : Package Spec
Procedure Lines (Event In Varchar2) ;
Procedure Orders_Lines ( Event In Varchar2);

23) Create a program unit
Name : Control
Type : Package Body
Procedure Lines (Event In Varchar2) is
If (event = ‘ WHEN – BUTTON – PRESSED’ ) then
App_custom.open_window (‘Lines’);
End if;
End Lines;

Procedure Orders_Lines ( Event In Varchar2) then
If (Event = ‘ WHEN – CHECKBOX – CHANGED’) then
End if ;
End order_lines;

24) In control block write a WBP trigger on Lines Button.
Control . Lines ( ‘WHEN – BUTTON – PRESSED’);

25) In control block write a WCC trigger on Orders_Lines checkbox.
Control.orders_lines(‘WHEN- CHECKBOX – CHANGED’);

26) Modify PRE – FORM trigger

27) Save and Compile .
28) Register the form.

1 comment:

Unknown said...
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