Designing the new payroll module, which is not a part of Oracle Applications.
Process of new application development:
1) Register the new module or new application – One record will be inserted in to the table FND_APPLICATION table. Owner of this table is Applsys.
2) Create Oracle Data base user account and grant privileges Connect and Resource.
3) Create Tables
4) Create Public Synonym
5) Create Views if required
6) Create Public Synonyms for the above views
7) Create database sequences if required
8) Create Public Synonyms for the above sequences
9) Create stored packages in APPS schema
10) Develop Directory Structure – Create TOP directory for the module
- Oracle
- Prodappl
- new directory name
The Application short name specified at the point of application registration should be the top product directory name as well as the oracle database user account name.
11) Modify the Applications Environment file
APPLFULL = SQL, GL, AP, AR, PAY Short name of the customized module
- APPLFUL variable is listing of modules which have been fully installed where as APPLSHAR is listing of modules which have shared information
- Application information is stored in the above table
- Status of the application is stored in the above table – (I means Installed, S means Shared, N means Not Insatlled)
- We need to insert a record into the table called FND_PRODUCT_ INSTALLATIONS
- Script will be provided by the oracle corporation to insert the record.
12) Run the environment file.
- Prod.emd - Production Server on windows
- - Production Server on unix
13) Register the Table with Application Object Library.
14) Register Views with Application Object Library
15) Register Sequences with Application Object Library
16) Design Forms
17) Place .fmb file in Oracle/Prodappl/au/11.5.0/forms/us
18) Place .fmx file in Oracle/Prodappl/
19) Register Forms with Application Object Library
20) Define menus – Assign menus to forms.
21) Design Reports
22) Place .rdf file in Oracle/Prodappl/
23) Register Forms with Application Object Library
24) Write SQL and PL/SQL scripts.
25) Place SQL and PL/SQL in Oracle/Prodappl/
26) Write/ create java programs.
27) Place java programs in Oracle/Prodappl/
28) Write Pro *c, Pro * fotran, Pro * cobal, Pro * pascal and SQL loader programs.
29) Place all the above programs in Oracle/Prodappl/
30) Place the executables of the above in Oracle/Prodappl/
31) Register Programs in 25,27,30 with Application Object Library.
32) Define Request Group and include programs 23 & 31
33) Define required number of responsibilities.
34) Register Descriptive Flex fields.
35) Register Key Flex fields.
36) Register new profile options with Application Object Library.
37) Define new look up types with Application Object Library.
38) Define Document Sequences with System Administration.
39) Set values for profile options. (System Administration).
40) Define folders if required.
41) Administer folders (System Administration).
STEP 1: Register the application with Application Object Library
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Application/ Register
Short Name: Give short name for your application.
Base Path: We need to provide the base path name. Naming convention is add TOP suffix to application short name.
Description: Give required description and save the document.
STEP 2: Creation of User in database.
Logon to SQL* Plus as
User: SYS
Password: MANAGER
Host: give connect string name
1) Create user name with user name as short name of the Application.
2) Grant Connect and Resource to the above created user.
3) Connect with the above user to test.
4) Register the user id with Application Object Library.
Responsibility: System Administration
Navigation: Security/ Oracle/ Register.
Password: Enter two times the password. Password should be same as that of user name for naming convention.
Privilege: Select one of the values from the list. The values in the list are Enabled, Restricted. Meaning of the above Two values are:
Enabled – If you select this we can perform Select, Insert, Update, Delete operations.
Restricted – We can only perform Select operation.
Install Group: If you select the value in this field as 0 or not selected then this application will support only one Set of Books. If you select the value is one then this will support Two Set of Books.
- All the tables in the new schema should have one column for Set of Books.
- When an Oracle account is assumed to support multiple Set of Books data the install group value must be greater than 0 and every table under the account must have a Set of Books Id column which tracks the Set of Books for which a transaction has been inserted.
- All Set of Books transactions are populated in the same table with distinction made by Set of Books Id Column.
- If we want to implement one Set of Books then the install group value must be set to Zero.
Table, which captures data for the back end user information is:
Table, which captures data for the front end user information is:
STEP 3: Creation of Folder for the front end, applications.
In the Server, we need create new folder for application in Prodappl folder.
Navigate to the Prodappl folder and go to main menu and create new folder.
Navigation is File/ New Folder.
With in this we need to create base directory called 11.5.0.
With in the above directory we need to create the following folders.
Forms, Reports, Java, bin, sql, lib, log, ot, html
With in Forms, Reports and html we need to create US folder to place executables.
STEP 4: Modify the Environment file
File Name: VIS.env - database SID.env open this file with notepad to set the following variables.
We need to go to the APPLFUL variable and add the new directory
We need to go to TOP DIRECTORY and add this line
Set DPA_TOP: D:\oracle\visappl\dpa\11.5.0
Save this file
We need to run vis.cmd file to take the file.
New module should be grouped under data group of the other module.
Navigation: Security/ Oracle/ Data group
Query the existing data group
Add to the application column
Password is APPS
1) Create table in appropriate Schema – Prefix should be application short name
2) Create a Public synonym
3) Register the table and columns with Application Object Library
1) Create view – View name prefix should be table name and Suffix should be V
2) Create Public synonym
3) Register the view with Application Object Library
1) Create a database sequence
2) Create Public synonym
3) Register the sequence with Application Object Library.
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