Saturday, August 9, 2008

Develop and Register new form

1. Take the template(template.fmb) form server
Generally, Template will be available in AU_TOP
2. Open with form 4.5 or 6i
3. Remove the window, which is having name as "block_name";
Create a new window with the name what u wants like "window_what_u_want"
We may take a window title from window option "title".
4. Go to canvas, remove the canvas, which is having "block_name"
Create a new canvas with the name what u wants like“CANVAS_WHAT_U_WANT"
In the canvas go to canvas options attach window name is “window_what_u_want"
5. Go to block level and delete the "blockname" block (which is system default)
Create a base table data block
· Base table name any example here is "customers"
· Block name data block name what u ever u block name is “customers”
· Canvas "Select canvas name where u want to display" here canvas is “CANVAS_WHAT_U_WANT"
· Select model of form like tabular or form or vertical or horizontal, number of record
6. Go to canvas select all items and change it properties of class to “TEXT_ITEM”
7. Go to Block properties

· First navigation block “give the name of block what to want, here I will give my block name i.e. “customers”
· Block property Class is “block”
8. Go to block level Trigger “PRE_FORM”
Give the window name (window_what_u_want) instead of blockname
Ex:First: app_window.set_window_position ('blockname, 'FIRST_WINDOW');
Change to app_window.set_window_position ('window_what_u_want', 'FIRST_WINDOW');
9. Go to new form instance trigger “NEW-FORM-INSTANCE-TRIGGER”
Remove template.fmb and paste form name eg is “customer_form”
Add the text here
10. Go to program units=>apps_custom (package body)
Change the window name to “window_what_u_want”
(Approximately 39 line if condition)
11. Take button and name it as save
When button pressed trigger write “commit_form”
12. Take a button and name it as exit and
When button pressed trigger
Write “exit_form”
13. Take a button and name id as clear button

When button pressed trigger write “clear_form”;
14. Take a button, name it as next and when button pressed, write “next_item”;
15. Take a button, name it as previous and when button pressed trigger white “previous_item”;
16. Comfile form and save it as customer_form
17. Move to server in an application where we need to move
Path :-------- :/m100/app/applmgr/110/kup8989/po/11.0.28/forms/US
Application like oracle po, oracle inv etc.
Generally, we use FTP to move file from local to server and sever to local
18. Go to tel net
It is like cmd prompt
19. Change the path to location where Ur file have
My file in oracle po
So change to oracle po
Command is
Cd /m100/app/applmgr/110/kup8989/po/11.0.28/forms/US
20. Now we need to create fmx file
F60gen module=customer_form userid=userid/passwd@databasename
For oracle form 6i
F45gen module=customer_form userid=userid/passwd@databasename
For oracle 4.5i
Ex: f60gen module=customer_form userid=scott/tiger@kup8989
Go to application developer
21. Application developer=>Application=>forms
22. Enter form name, Application , username and take user form name.
23. Application deleveloper=>application=>function
Give unique function name and user function name; type is form and go to stage 2
Function stage1
Stage 2
Enter form user name (22 point snapshot user function name)
Save the file
24. Take the function name
25. Go to application developer=>application=>menu
Add function name (cust_form) to the menu
26. Go to system administrator and Go to specific responsibility
System administrator=>responsibility=>define
27. Define responsibility , Add menu name to that responsibility
28. Select the responsibility(Test Responsibility), your form will appear……

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